Were you able to read the first few chapters of the JSB? I personally can't get through the beginning parts without tearing up. I find it so interesting that a Bible storybook written for kids can speak straight to the deepest parts of my heart. I think it's because God's words are literally alive through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Bible says that the words of God are living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, able to pierce our hearts with a message meant just for us. That's why sometimes a certain truth can seem to jump off the page, or strike us powerfully at just the right moment. That's the Holy Spirit at work, a living and active spirit who is engaged and intentional about giving us what we need. No other book of religious teachings can make such claims.
So here are some of my answers to the questions.
First of all, I said that the Bible can be a bit frustrating for me because a person can never be finished understanding it. Also, it's at times confusing. What were your impressions coming into this study?
I loved how the JSB talks about the terrible lie that came into the world when Adam and Eve ate the fruit and violated God's rules. Oh how that lie causes trouble today! I certainly have had seasons when I believed that lie. I felt tricked by God and trapped by what I thought was His plan, not understanding anything about His great love. If I had known, or currently, when I do make it a point to remember how loving He truly is, I get tangled up in fear, which leads to a tendency to control, which leads to nothing good!
And yes, right now, I need to be rescued by His love. Today, even. I needed it, floundered, didn't call on Him, but in the background, through Pandora, I heard Him speaking love over me; song after song, He whispered love to me. I bet I'm going to need to be rescued again tomorrow too, because I am very forgetful.
Okay your turn. Pretend we're in a small group, sitting around a living room with hot cups of coffee in our hands. I just shared the answers that meant the most to me from this week's questions. What do you have to share?
(And then after that, here's week 2's homework. So happy to be with you today.)
Week 2
Chapters 4-9, up to page 83,
When you have a quiet half hour or so when you’re less
likely to get interrupted, briefly ask God to open your eyes and ears to what
He wants to show you. Then, in your notebook, answer these questions. Try to
answer them as honestly as you can. You will never have to share anything you
don’t want to share with the group. Do the questions for yourself.
1. Which story was your
favorite this week? Why?
2. We read about the Tower of
Babel and how God stopped the plans of His people when they were going to lead
them down the wrong path. Can you recall a time when your plans got thwarted
and things turned out better for you in the end? Explain.
3. In the story of Abraham,
we saw that sometimes God asks us to believe in the impossible. What is
something you have a hard time believing about Him? OR Describe a time when God
asked you to believe in Him when a situation looked hopeless.
5. Joseph’s story is full of
redemption. God used Joseph’s awful and unjust circumstances for His good
purposes, and then brought healing and forgiveness back into his broken family.
Share one circumstance or relationship that needs redeeming in your life. Take
a minute to invite God into that hurt and ask Him to use this part of your
story for something good.
reading these stories told this way is such an amazing reminder of God's love. Despite having an amazing family, I have very deep insecurities about being unworthy and unloved. Satan's voice is loud in my head. I need this constant and simple reminder that God's love is so simple and so unconditional.